§ 2-2A-6. Discharge of pollutant into state waters - Schedule of compliance and conditions - Permits.  

Latest version.
  • A.  It shall be unlawful for any person regulated by the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food, and Forestry pursuant to its environmental jurisdiction to discharge any pollutant into waters of the state except in accordance with a permit from the Director of the Agriculture Pollutant Discharge Elimination System.

    B.  Prior to issuing the pollutant discharge permits, the Director shall prescribe schedules of compliance and conditions as necessary that:

    1.  Prevent, control, or abate pollution, including water quality-related and technology-based effluent limitations as are necessary to protect the water quality and existing and designated beneficial uses of the waters of the state;

    2.  Require application of best practicable control technology currently available, best conventional pollutant control technology, or best available technology economically achievable, or other limitations as the Director may prescribe;

    3.  Require compliance with national standards of performance and toxicity;

    4.  Set limitations or prohibitions designed to prohibit the discharge of pollutants;

    5.  Set interim compliance dates which are enforceable without otherwise showing a violation of an effluent limitation or harm to water quality;

    6.  Set terms and conditions for sludge and land application of wastewater and for impoundments in accordance with rules promulgated by the Board; and

    7.  Comply with the provisions of the Oklahoma Agriculture Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Act and the requirements of the federal Clean Water Act.

    C.  The Director shall:

    1.  Have authority to issue individual permits and authorizations under general permits for pollutants, storm water and sludge as authorized by the Oklahoma Agriculture Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Act;

    2.  Issue permits for fixed terms not to exceed five (5) years;

    3.  Have the authority to require conditions in permits issued for facilities subject to the environmental jurisdiction of the Department requiring the permittee to give notice to the Department of:

    a.              new introductions into the treatment works of pollutants at a regulated facility from any source which would be a new source as defined in Section 306 of the federal Clean Water Act,

    b.              pollutants being introduced from a source which would be a point source subject to Section 301 of the federal Clean Water Act if it were discharging directly to waters of the state,

    c.              a substantial change in volume or character of pollutants being introduced into the treatment works by a source introducing pollutants into the works at the time of issuance of the permit, or

    d.              other conditions as may be required under the federal Clean Water Act or state law;

    4.  Have the authority to ensure compliance with Sections 204(b), 307 and 308 and other provisions of the federal Clean Water Act and with other applicable federal law;

    5.  Have all necessary and incidental authority to comply with the requirements of the federal Clean Water Act and requirements of the United States Environmental Protection Agency set forth in duly promulgated federal regulations adopted under the federal Clean Water Act;

    6.  Have the authority to terminate or modify permits issued by the Director for cause, including but not limited to:

    a.violation of any condition of the permit, including but not limited to conditions related to limits, monitoring requirements, entry, and inspections,

    b.obtaining a permit by misrepresentation, or failure to disclose fully all relevant facts, or

    c.change in any condition that requires either a temporary or permanent reduction or elimination of the permitted discharge;

    7.  Have all necessary authority to implement and enforce Department programs and requirements established by the State Board of Agriculture in duly promulgated rules;

    8.  Have all necessary or incidental authority to investigate and abate violations of permits issued by the Director, violations of administrative orders, violations of duly promulgated rules, and violations of the Oklahoma Agriculture Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Act; and

    9.  Have all necessary and incidental authority to apply sanctions through administrative proceedings for violations, including but not limited to violations of requirements to obtain permits, terms, and conditions of permits, effluent standards and limitations and water quality standards, and violations of requirements for recording, reporting, monitoring, entry, inspection, and sampling.

Added by Laws 2005, c. 292, § 7, eff. July 1, 2005.