§ 3A-265. Transfer of purse money - Agreements - Rescission.
A. The Oklahoma Horse Racing Commission shall approve the transfer of purse money generated for races for Thoroughbred horses, races for Quarter Horses or races for Paint and Appaloosa horses pursuant to this section, by one organization licensee to another organization licensee, upon joint application of the organization licensee generating the purse money, the organization licensee receiving the transferred purse money, and in the case of a transfer of purse money for Thoroughbred racing, the official horsemen’s representative organization that represents participating horsemen at a race meeting in a county with a population exceeding six hundred thousand (600,000) persons by an organization licensee licensed pursuant to Section 205.2 of Title 3A of the Oklahoma Statutes that is restricted to Thoroughbred horses, and in the case of a transfer of purse money for Quarter Horse, Paint and Appaloosa horse racing, the official horsemen’s representative organization that represents participating horsemen at a race meeting in a county with a population exceeding six hundred thousand (600,000) persons by an organization licensee licensed pursuant to Section 205.2 of Title 3A of the Oklahoma Statutes that is restricted to Quarter Horse, Paint and Appaloosa horses. Purse money transferred to one organization licensee from purse money for a particular breed of horse generated by another organization licensee shall only be used to supplement purses for that breed of horse. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any agreement for the transfer of purse money may be rescinded by order of the Commission if the Commission is petitioned by not less than two-thirds (2/3) of the licensed owners, owner/trainers and trainers of starters of a particular breed of horses during the most recently concluded meet for that breed of horses at the tracks affected by the transfer.
B. The provisions of this section shall not be applicable to any purse money generated pursuant to the provisions of subsection K of Section 4 of this act.
Added by Laws 2004, c. 316, § 6, State Question No. 712, Legislative Referendum No. 335, adopted at election held on Nov. 2, 2004.