§ 45-421. Shaft collars - Cribbing and timbering - Pipes and air lines.
All shaft collars shall extend at least eight (8) inches above the immediate surrounding surface and be provided with a clear and stable footing and hand rail on two sides of the shaft. A sufficiently tight fence with a gate to permit access shall inclose the shaft to prevent persons or animals from reaching the shaft collar, and such gate shall be kept closed when access to the shaft is not necessary. The collar of the shaft shall be sufficiently lighted at all times when in use. All shafts sunk after the adoption of this act shall be cribbed or timbered continuously from the top of the shaft to the bottom of the cribbing or timbers. All pipes, air line, and conduits running down the shaft shall be securely fastened. All shaft pumps shall be securely covered. When the ends of tools or material project above the top of the shaft conveyance, the ends shall be securely fastened to the cable, or placed in a receptacle. When electric or compressed air operated hoisting engines are used in sinking shaft, shooting or blasting shall be done by means of an electric battery or current. All abandoned shafts, air shafts, drill holes, and shafts not used for an extended period of time, shall be securely plugged, cased, covered or fenced.
Laws 1929, c. 42, p. 49, § 11.