§ 45-918. Augering - Rules and procedures.
The following rules and procedures shall be complied with in dealing with augering:
1. Planning:
before augering is done, advance planning shall be made to insure that no hazards shall be created affecting active underground workings. Auger mine workings and holes drilled shall be located so as to prevent:
(1) interference with the ventilation system of any underground mine, and
(2) inundation hazards from the surface to active underground workings;
2. Inspection:
a. at least fifty (50) feet on each side of highwalls being drilled shall be inspected for loose material before drilling or other work in the area is begun, and an inspection shall be made at least once during each operating shift,
b. when abandoned mines or abandoned parts of active mines are penetrated by drilling, machinery shall be stopped and tests shall be made at the collar of the hole for explosive gas or oxygen or oxygen deficiency by a certified person qualified to use approved instruments to make such tests. If tests show the presence of gas or the lack of oxygen, the equipment shall not be operated until the condition has been corrected;
3. Auger holes; persons not to enter:
a. no person shall enter an auger hole for any purpose without having first received permission from a representative of the Oklahoma Department of Mines,
b. auger machines and other related equipment on which persons are required to work during drilling operations shall be protected against falling material from highwalls by heavy gauge screen or equivalent material subject to the approval of the mine inspector. The protective screen shall permit workmen to keep the highwall in view at all times,
c. no work shall be done on the highwall in the vicinity of drilling equipment while it is in operation;
4. Auger equipment; operation:
a. persons shall stay clear of the auger train while it is in motion, and they shall not pass over or under the auger train except where crossing facilities are provided; b. persons must be in the clear while auger sections are being swung into position,
c. auger operators shall not leave the controls of the equipment while the auger is operating, and
d. when auger operations are performed after dark, adequate illumination shall be provided;
5. Auger Holes; blocking: auger holes shall be securely blocked by spoil or other suitable material before they are abandoned.
Laws 1978, c. 148, § 18, emerg. eff. April 7, 1978.