§ 51-314. Campaign contributions and expenditures reports - Statement of inactivity - Dissolution procedures.  

Latest version.
  • A.  Except as provided by subsection F of this section, the campaign contributions and expenditures reports shall disclose:

    1.  The carryover from a previous campaign or cumulative period.  For purposes of this act, a cumulative period shall begin on the first day of an even-numbered year and end on the last day of an odd-numbered year;

    2.  The grand total of contributions from the last campaign contributions and expenditures report unless beginning a new campaign or cumulative period;

    3.  The specific identification of each contributor who gives a contribution which exceeds Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00), including:

    a.the date the contribution is accepted,

    b.the contributor's address, and

    c.a specific description of the contribution;

    4.  The aggregate value of all contributions received from each such contributor during the campaign for candidates and candidate committees or during the current calendar year for other committees;

    5.  The aggregate total of all contributions in the amount of Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) or less;

    6.  The total sum of all contributions during the current reporting period;

    7.  The grand total of all contributions for the campaign or cumulative period to date;

    8.  The grand total of expenditures from the last campaign contributions and expenditures report, unless beginning a new campaign or cumulative period;

    9.  All campaign expenditures in detail by categories or objects of expenditure;

    10.  The total of all expenditures during the current reporting period; and

    11.  The grand total of all expenditures for the campaign or cumulative period to date.

    B.  Such reports shall be certified by the candidate, the principal officer of the committee, or the designated agent.  No fictitious names shall be used on the reports.  The reports shall show the correct name of the person actually making the contribution.

    C.  The form of the campaign contributions and expenditures reports shall be as follows:


    DATE OF REPORT _________________, 20____

    Name of Candidate or Committee


    Address of Candidate or Committee


    Office Sought          Report Period     From:           To:

    (Beginning      (End of

    of period)      Period)


    Listed below are the contributions received and the expenditures made which are required by law to be reported.

    Carryover from Previous Campaign or Cumulative Period $_____________


    Grand Total of Contributions from Previous Report     $_____________

    DateName andNature ofAmountTotal of


    Cash, Check,contributedof more than

    or In-Kindduring$200.00



    _______________________________________ $_____________$_____________

    _______________________________________ $_____________$_____________

    _______________________________________ $_____________$_____________

    _______________________________________ $_____________$_____________

    _______________________________________ $_____________$_____________

    Total of other contributions $200.00

    or less this reporting

    period (not itemized)            $_________________

    Total contributions this

    reporting period                 $_________________

    Grand Total - All contributions

    for campaign or

    cumulative period                $_________________



    Previous Grand Total of Expenditures from Last Report


    Personal Services




    Radio and Television




    Advertising - general


    Contributions to Other Campaigns


    All committees, except for candidate committees, must identify recipients of contributions to other campaigns following verification of acceptance of amounts aggregating in excess of $200.00 by name, address, amount of contribution and total amount of contributions during the campaign or calendar year:

    Name and AddressAmountTotal amount


    during campaign

    or calendar year

    _________________________________ $________________$________________

    _________________________________ $________________$________________

    _________________________________ $________________$________________

    _________________________________ $________________$________________


    Miscellaneous                     $______________

    Total expenditures

    this reporting period           $______________

    Grand Total - All expenditures

    for campaign or

    cumulative period               $______________

    BALLOT INFORMATION:  candidates or candidate committees, please indicate whether the candidate's name appeared on the ballots for the following elections.



    ( ) Yes( ) Yes( ) Yes

    ( ) No( ) No( ) No

    To the best of my knowledge and belief, the above is a true and correct compilation.

    ____________________________________________________________________Candidate's, Chairperson's, or Designated Agent's Signature

    Subscribed and sworn to before me this ____ day of  _______, 20____.

    My commission expires _______________

    ____________________________________________________________________Notary Public

    D.  A statement of inactivity must include:

    1.  The candidate or candidate committee, political party or organization's name and address; and

    2.  A statement by the designated agent verifying that a contribution was not received and an expenditure was not made during the reporting period.

    Interest earned shall not be considered to be a contribution, and a filing fee paid by the candidate shall not be considered to be an expenditure.

    E.  Dissolution Procedures

    1.  A candidate may not file a "final" report or a candidate committee may not dissolve until:

    a.after a Primary Election or a Run-off Primary Election in which the candidate is elected or defeated,

    b.after the General Election in which the candidate's name appears on the ballot,

    c.after the last day for filing a declaration of candidacy for a candidate who is unopposed in the Primary, Run-off Primary and General Election,

    d.after a candidate's name has been stricken from the ballot pursuant to Section 5-127 of Title 26 of the Oklahoma Statutes, or

    e.after withdrawal of the candidate's candidacy pursuant to Sections 5-115 or 5-116 of Title 26 of the Oklahoma Statutes.

    2.  A political party committee may dissolve only after the political party itself dissolves.

    3.  A political action committee or an organization may dissolve only after it determines that it will not accept contributions or make expenditures.

    4.  A final campaign contributions and expenditures report may be filed at the time or before a scheduled filing is due.  The form must:

    a.be marked "final", and

    b.include a list of the material assets worth Fifty Dollars ($50.00) or more, and detail their disposition.

    5.  If a committee owes or is owed money, the committee may dissolve, but must report the status of the debts on the same dates as campaign contributions and expenditures reports would be due until all debts are resolved.  Methods of resolution must also be detailed.

    6.  Unused contributions and campaign assets must be disposed of by candidates or candidate committees according to Section 316 of this title.

    F.  All candidates allowed to receive the maximum contribution of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00), pursuant to paragraph 2 of subsection A of Section 187.1 of Title 21 of the Oklahoma Statutes shall file a campaign contributions and expenditures report electronically with the Ethics Commission.  The campaign contributions and expenditures report shall include the same information required by Ethics Commission Rule 257:10-1-14(a).

Added by Laws 1995, c. 343, § 28, eff. July 1, 1995. Amended by Laws 2011, c. 135, § 2, eff. Nov. 1, 2011.