§ 70-13-103. Authorized services and transfers for children with disabilities.
A. Any school district in the state may provide suitable facilities and employ qualified teachers and therapists for children with disabilities, either in schools, classrooms, or in other places as the board of education of the district may deem advisable. When a school district cannot provide special educational facilities and qualified teachers, a child may be transferred pursuant to the provisions of paragraph 4 of Section 13-101 of this title.
B. If a child with disabilities is transferred to a school district other than the district of residence of the child pursuant to the Education Open Transfer Act the following provisions shall apply:
1. The receiving district shall establish availability of the appropriate program, staff, and services prior to approval of the transfer;
2. Prior to the approval of the transfer of a child on an individualized education program (IEP), a joint IEP conference shall be required between the district of residence and the receiving district; and
3. Upon approval of the transfer, the receiving district shall claim the child in the average daily membership for state and federal funding purposes and shall assume all responsibility for education of the child. For state funding purposes, the State Department of Education shall include the appropriate grade level weight and all category weights to which the pupil is assigned pursuant to the provisions of Section 18-201.1 of this title when calculating State Aid pursuant to the provisions of Section 18-200.1 of this title, regardless of whether the receiving district provides education to the student using traditional in-class means or via online instruction. When applicable, the receiving district may apply to the Oklahoma Special Education Assistance Fund for assistance in meeting any extraordinary costs incurred.
C. Transfers authorized by this section shall be made under rules adopted by the State Board of Education. When a child with disabilities or pregnant child is unable to attend any school or class in the district of residency, the board of education of the district may provide for home instruction for the child. The State Board of Education is further authorized to cooperate with any school district in the state to make it possible for a child with disabilities to attend the regular school by making special provisions for the transportation of the child, or for special equipment, devices, books, supplies or other facilities, or for special instruction within the regular school building. The provisions for services and transfers as provided for in this section shall be made with consideration of the least restrictive environment and IEP requirements under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
D. Beginning with the 2008-2009 school year, a transfer granted for a child with disabilities pursuant to paragraph 4 of Section 13-101 of this title for three (3) consecutive years to the same school district shall automatically be renewed each year. The district in which the child resides shall continue to pay tuition as provided for in paragraph 4 of Section 13-101 of this title.
Added by Laws 1971, c. 281, § 13-103, eff. July 2, 1971. Amended by Laws 1993, c. 116, § 3, eff. July 1, 1993; Laws 1999, c. 320, § 28, eff. July 1, 1999; Laws 2008, c. 185, § 1, eff. July 1, 2008; Laws 2010, c. 478, § 1, eff. July 1, 2010.