§ 74-369. Examination of monies and books.
He shall as often as required submit his books, accounts, vouchers and the funds in the Treasury to the inspection of either branch of the Legislature, or any committee appointed for that purpose by the Legislature or by the Governor; and the committee so appointed are hereby empowered to administer to the Treasurer an oath, and it shall be their duty to rigidly examine him and all his clerks, deputies and others under oath touching all matters connected with the business of his office; such committee shall require the funds of the state in the hands of the Treasurer not legally deposited in a bank to be produced in cash, and counted in their presence, and shall see that the money so counted is not borrowed, and to determine that fact, may compel any and all persons to appear before them on subpoena issued by them and served and testify fully, and if they have good reason to believe that any part of the money so offered to be counted is borrowed, the committee shall retain all the money so offered as the funds of the state, and place it in safe keeping until the matter be fully investigated, and if the Treasurer be retained in office the funds shall be returned to him, if not retained, the funds shall be paid to his successor as soon as he may be inducted into office. If there is good reason to suspect any fraud in the Treasurer, the Governor shall appoint such committee and order an investigation. Each member of said committee shall be allowed Three Dollars ($3.00) per day for the time necessarily employed.
R.L.1910, § 8143.