§ 8-88. Disposition of bodies of deceased inmates or patients of state institutions.
The superintendents or wardens of state penal, reformatory and eleemosynary institutions, of state hospitals and of state institutions for the benefit of the mentally ill, blind, deaf, mute, tubercular and epileptic are hereby authorized and directed to remove the bodies of the deceased inmates or patients from said institutions, that are not claimed for private burial by friends or relatives thereof within ninety-six (96) hours after their death, and said superintendent or warden of said institution shall notify the friends or relatives of said deceased inmate by registered mail or telegram of the death of said deceased inmate at their last known place of residence if known, in accordance with the provisions of 63 O.S. 1951 Section 91-100.
When the State Anatomical Board rejects the body of a deceased inmate or patient the superintendent or warden of that institution shall have the rejected body buried in lands of said institution set aside for such purpose. Provided, that the expenses of such burials shall be paid from the support and maintenance appropriation or any other appropriation made for the operating expenses of the institution.