§ 82-1085.12. Executive Director - Qualifications - Powers and duties.  

Latest version.
  • The Oklahoma Water Resources Board shall appoint an Executive Director, who shall have had at least six (6) years practical and administrative experience in water resource management, and fix his duties and compensation.  The Oklahoma Water Resources Board is specifically authorized to delegate to such Executive Director such of its powers and duties as it may deem proper, including powers and duties involving the exercise of official discretion.  The authority hereby granted to the Oklahoma Water Resources Board to delegate powers and duties to the Executive Director shall extend to any powers and duties given or transferred to the Oklahoma Water Resources Board under this act, or under any other law conferring powers or imposing duties upon the Oklahoma Water Resources Board, and shall also extend to any powers conferred or duties imposed upon the Oklahoma Water Resources Board by any future law, unless such future laws shall expressly negate the authority to make such delegation.  Any other part of this act, or any other law granting authority to the Oklahoma Water Resources Board to delegate any powers or duties, shall not be deemed to be a limitation upon the authority conferred by this section.  The Executive Director shall exercise any such delegated powers and perform such delegated duties, in accordance with any rules, regulations or orders made by the Oklahoma Water Resources Board which are applicable thereto. Provided, however, the Oklahoma Water Resources Board shall not delegate to such director any power of determining policy, the execution of any contract or the final adjudication of any claims, applications or controversies, all of which powers and duties shall be exercised solely by the Oklahoma Water Resources Board.

Added by Laws 1972, c. 253, § 12.